What is AA1000 Accreditation?

As an AA1000 Licensed Provider, Sustainability Assurance Services (SAS) provides third-party assurance to the AA1000 Series of Standards.

You may be wondering, “What is AA1000?”

AA1000 accreditation signals adherence to the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS), a globally recognized framework that evaluates and assures sustainability reporting. Assurance to AA1000 helps to validate your company’s process of identifying, prioritizing, and responding to sustainability challenges in addition to the transparency and credibility of your organization’s sustainability report.

AA1000 is based on four principles. These principles provide a foundation for organizations to assess and manage their sustainability performance. The four principles of the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) are:

  • Inclusivity: Ensuring stakeholder engagement is inclusive, meaningful, and reflects diverse perspectives.
  • Materiality: Identifying and prioritizing the most relevant sustainability issues for decision-making.
  • Responsiveness: Addressing stakeholders’ concerns and ensuring the organization’s actions align with their expectations.
  • Impact: Assessing and disclosing the sustainability effects of an organization’s activities.

If you’re seeking to enhance the credibility of your company’s sustainability practices, engaging with SAS, an AA1000 Licensed Provider, is a step toward meaningful impact and robust stakeholder engagement.