
Contact us now to discuss how SAS can support your assurance and verification needs.

As an AA1000 Licensed Provider, SAS provides third-party assurance to the AA1000 Series of Standards. Assurance to AA1000 helps to validate your company’s process of identifying, prioritizing, and responding to sustainability challenges in addition to the transparency and credibility of your organization’s sustainability report.

AccountAbility’s AA1000 Series of Standards is the leading methodology used by sustainability professionals globally for sustainability assurance. It is designed to help organizations integrate sustainability into their core business strategy with a focus on accountability, stakeholder engagement, and sustainability reporting. AA1000 Assurance demonstrates that an organization has built sustainability into its management system and that the management, use and reporting of sustainability data is sound. The AA1000 is adaptable to various industries and sectors, allowing a flexible structure that can be adjusted based on the individual circumstances and objectives of each organization.

The AA1000 Series of Standards include simple, practical, and easy-to-use frameworks for:

  • Developing, analyzing, and implementing sustainability initiatives (AA1000AP, 2018)
  • Creating and conducting inclusive sustainability-related stakeholder engagement practices (AA1000SES, 2015)
  • Assuring credibility in reporting on progress toward sustainability goals (AA1000AS v3)

More about AA1000

AA1000 is based on four principles. These principles provide a foundation for organizations to assess and manage their sustainability performance. 

Inclusivity Icon


People should have a say in the decisions that impact them

Materiality Icon


Decision makers should identify and be clear about the sustainability topics that matter



Organizations should act transparently on material sustainability topics and their related impacts

Impact Icon


Organizations should monitor, measure, and be accountable for how their actions affect their broader ecosystems

Read more about AcountAbility’s Standards:

Sustainability Assured Services for Certification Bodies

Backed by decades of experience and fueled by growing industry knowledge, SAS is committed to providing timely, quality assurance services. We can support certification bodies by acting as an independent, third-party assessment reviewer and validator.